1. This tutorial shows how to process a Payor Modification Request.
Full access admins and users with the Payor Admin permission can process these requests.

2. Click the arrow next to Payments to expand the dropdown list.
Click on Payor Mod Queue.

3. A Queue of requests will display on this page. Note the Competition, Roles, and Payor requested, along with any details.
The Request Status is displayed and can be filtered for NEW, PROCESSING, or COMPLETED.

4. Click the magnifying glass next to a request to open it.
In this example, we will process a NEW request.

5. Click Start Processing Request

6. Payors are role-specific. Click Role to expand the dropdown list, which shows the roles previously added to this Competition.

7. For a new request, the Current Payor is blank. Choose the role to add the payor to.
In this example, we will add the payor to the Referee role.

8. Click Payor to expand the dropdown list of available payors.
If you do not see the payor in the list, request a new payor from the Payments/Payors area of the menu.

9. Click the payor that was requested.
In this example, it is Ann Arbor Soccer Association.

10. Click Change Payor

11. Confirm this action by clicking on Change Payor.

12. The payor has now been added to the Referee role.
Repeat this action for the other roles that use this payor, such as AR1 and AR2.
Click Role.

13. Click AR1

14. Click Change Payor

15. Confirm this action by clicking Change Payor.

16. Click Role

17. Click AR2

18. Click Change Payor

19. Confirm this action by clicking Change Payor.

20. The current payor settings for this Competition are displayed on this page.

21. Click Update Request Status.

22. Click Completed to update this request from Processing status.
If additional actions are needed before completing this request, the status can also be changed to Holding.

23. The Admin person who is actioning this request is displayed. Details can also be added in the free text box.
Click Processing Completed Date to document the date the request was processed.

24. Click the appropriate date in the calendar.

25. Click Apply Changes

26. This payor has now been added to the Competition and Schedules of the requester.

27. Within the Payor region of the Competition page, the current payor for each role is displayed.

28. Within the Payor Modification Request, the Request Status has now been updated to COMPLETED.
Thank you for watching the tutorial on Processing a Payor Modification Request.