1. This tutorial shows how to Archive a Competition.
A Competition can be archived by the Competition Owner, a Competition Admin, or a Full-Access Admin.
For this example, we will use a Competition within the Major Arena Soccer League account.
2. Competitions can only be archived if all matches within the Competition are in the past.
3. To start, click Competitions.
4. Click the magnifying glass next to the Competition you want to move to the archive. For this example, we will archive the 2023-2024 MASL Competition.
5. Click Move to Archive
6. Confirm this action by clicking Move to Archive again.
7. The name of the person who archived the Competition and the date it was archived are displayed here.
8. Click cancel to return to the Competition page.
9. The list now displays only those Competitions that are active.
To view Competitions that have been added to the Archive, move the View Archive toggle to the right.
10. Archived Competitions are displayed in this list.
11. If you made an error or want to move an archived Competition back to the active list, click the magnifying glass next to the relevant Competition.
12. Click the Move from Archive to Active button.
13. Confirm this action by clicking the Move from Archive to Active button again.
14. Click cancel to return to the Competitions page.
15. Move the View Archive toggle back to the left to view the active list.
16. The Competition moved back from the archive is now displayed in the active list.
17. Archiving a Competition filters out: Match reports within those Competitions (in Tools/Manage Match Reports and Reports/Match-Incident Reports), Matches within those Competitions, and Competitions within the Assigning Workspace.
18. Archived Match Reports and Matches can be viewed by moving the View Archive toggle to the right on those pages.
Thank you for watching the tutorial on Archive a Competition.