Tournament Reservation System

Created by Sandra Serafini, Modified on Tue, 18 Feb at 2:07 AM by Sandra Serafini

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1. This tutorial shows how to use the Tournament Reservation feature within a Competition.

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2. To start, click Competitions

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3. For this example, we will use the Van Buren Spring 2025 Tournament.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Competition.

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4. This tournament runs from April 4-6, 2025.

Click Edit Competition Record.

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5. Within the Competition Record, move the Tournament - Use Reservation System toggle to the right.

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6. Type in a description. This description will be visible to the officials. Details about what will be offered and what is required for the officials are useful to add here.

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7. Click Save Changes when finished.

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8. Click cancel when finished to return to the Competition page.

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9. Tournament Reserve Officials now says yes.

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10. Reserve Officials now appears in the Region selector as an option.

Click Reserve Officials to proceed to the next stage of the process.

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11. We will now set up Availability Windows for this tournament.

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12. To setup Availability Windows and manage the selection of Officials, click Manage Reserve Officials.

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13. The description we previously entered is displayed at the top of the page.

We will add several Availability Windows as examples to accommodate this tournament.

Click Add Availability Window.

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14. Choose the date of the first availability window.

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15. For this example, our first availability window will occur on the first day of the tournament, which is April 4th.

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16. Choose a Response Due Date. This date serves as the deadline for officials to respond to an invitation.

Note that officials can also make changes to their responses up until this date.

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17. Let's choose March 1st as the Response Due Date.

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18. Move the Invitation Only toggle to the right if you want to invite a select group of officials to this availability window. For this example, we will turn it on.

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19. Leave the All Day toggle on if this availability window encompasses the entire day of the window. For this example, the matches on April 4th are only in the evening, so we will turn this toggle off.

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20. Since the April 4th window does not encompass the entire day, enter the Start Time.

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21. For this example, we will choose 5:00pm to ensure officials are committing to being available an hour before the first kickoff, which is at 6:00pm.

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22. Click End Time

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23. For this example, we will choose 10:00pm as our end time to ensure officials are committing to being available 30 minutes after the last match finishes.

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24. For this example, we will wait until all our Availability Windows have been set up before publishing them and making them visible to officials.

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25. The Allow Partial Commitments toggle allows officials to commit to only parts of the availability window we have set up. For this example, we will leave it off so officials must commit to the entire time we have indicated for this window.

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26. Click Site

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27. Search for the site of this tournament and select it from the dropdown list. If your tournament has multiple sites, choose the main site here.

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28. Enter the number of Officials Needed here as a reference to help you track the progress of reaching this goal of committed officials.

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29. Let's say we need 30 officials for this April 4th availability window.

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30. Enter a Description of this Availability Window if you wish.

You can also include instructions to the officials here. If you have multiple sites, you can also list them here.

The officials will see this description.

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31. The two toggles below the Description are important settings that impact the Assigning Workspace for you and for other assignors.

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32. Click the question mark next to each toggle to see a description of what it does.

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33. Turning the toggle on for Blockout Other Assignors prevents other assignors (for other competitions) from assigning officials that are committed to this specific availability window within this Competition.

Click the X to close the pop-up window.

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35. Turning on this toggle shows officials as available in your assigning workspace ONLY if they have explicitly committed to this availability window.

Click the X to close this popup window.

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36. Click Create when finished.

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37. Our Availability Window is now in Draft status.

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38. If you need to Edit the Availability window, click the magnifying glass.

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39. Click Edit Availability Window

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40. Edit any element of the window. For this example we will edit the Description.

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41. Click Apply Changes when finished.

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42. Click cancel to return to the Availability Windows list.

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43. Let's add more availability windows for the days of April 5th and 6th. Click Add Availability Window.

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44. Choose the Date of this next window.

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45. Advance the calendar as needed to the date of this next window.

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46. Choose a Response Due Date.

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47. We'll make the Response Due Date the same as before, but you can choose a different date if you wish.

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48. Leaving the Invitation Only toggle off makes the window visible to all officials in the account. For this example, we want to invite a specific group of officials to this window, so we will turn the toggle on.

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49. For this window, matches last All Day so we will leave this toggle on.

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50. We will leave the Published/Visible toggle off for now.

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51. For this All Day window, we will allow officials to commit to part of this window. They will indicate the specifics of when they are available in their response.

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52. Search and choose the main site for this window. For this example, we will choose the same site as for April 4th, but you can choose a different site if you wish.

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53. For this window, we are aiming for 60 officials to commit.

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53b. Click

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54. Let's add another Availability Window for April 6th, but split the day into two separate windows. Click Add Availability Window.

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55. Choose the Date.

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56. Choose April 6th.

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57. Choose a Response Due Date.

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59. We'll open up this availability window to all officials. They can commit to this Availability window if they want.

Officials are advised in their portal that they are not guaranteed matches even if they commit to an availability window.

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60. Since we're splitting April 6th into two windows, we will turn the All Day toggle off.

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61. Click Start Time for this window.

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62. For April 6th, we are making a morning window and an afternoon window.

Let's start the morning window at 8:00am.

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63. Click End Time

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64. Let's choose 2:00pm to reflect the end of the 12:00pm match, which is the last match of the morning window.

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65. Since we want officials to commit to the entire morning window and not just part of it, we will turn the Allow Partial Commitments toggle off.

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66. Click Site

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67. Choose the main site for this window.

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68. We want 30 officials for this morning window.

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69. Click Create when finished.

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70. Let's now add the afternoon window for April 6th. Click Add Availability Window and repeat the previous steps.

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71. Remember to turn off the All Day toggle since we're creating this window for the afternoon of April 6th.

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72. Let's start the afternoon window at 2:00pm.

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73. We'll choose 8:00pm as our end time as it reflects the end of the last match for this day.

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74. Since we want officials to commit to the entire afternoon, we will turn the Allow Partial Commitments toggle off.

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75. Choose the main site.

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76. Choose the number of Officials Needed and click Create when finished.

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76b. Click

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77. We've now added four availability windows. The main settings are displayed.

Now let's add the officials we want to invite.

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78. Click Add Officials

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79. Click Add Officials again to confirm.

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80. All the officials in the account display. Use the filters to narrow down the list of officials to select for invitations.

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81. We previously created a pool of officials called "Tournament Pool" that will help us narrow this search.

Double Click Tournament pool to shuttle it to the right side of the window.

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82. Since Quirk Park is the main site, select this location to get the distance in miles of each official from the site.

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83. Search for the site and click on it.

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84. Click Apply Filter when finished.

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85. The list is now filtered to show those in the "Tournament Pool". Adjust the columns displayed in this report by clicking Actions ...

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86. ... then Columns

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87. Double Click Distance To Site Miles to display it in the report.

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88. Add or remove the columns to display as you wish. Click Apply when finished.

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89. We did some additional filtering to narrow the list of people we want to invite. When you are happy with your subgroup, move the Select All toggle to the right.

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90. Click Save Selected People

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91. Click Save Changes

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92. Our Availability Windows are completed and we have selected the officials to send the invitation to. We're now ready to publish them so they are visible to the officials.

Click the magnifying glass next to an availability window.

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93. Click Publish

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94. Click Publish again to confirm this action.

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95. Click cancel to return to the previous page.

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96. As each window is published, the officials selected for this competition will display under "Responses" in New status.

Repeat these steps for each availability window to publish them.

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97. All of our Availability Windows have now been published and are visible to the officials.

Click Send Invitation Emails to the officials we previously selected to send them an invitation.

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98. This action will send an invitation to all officials in New status. If you add more officials and send invitations again, it will exclude those who have already received one.

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99. Click Send Invitation Emails to confirm this action.

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100. A summary of officials in each response status is shown in the table. Click the magnifying glass next to a specific window to see additional details.

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101. Charts and additional details are available for each response type.

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102. We've now completed our Tournament Reservation setup for the Van Buren Spring 2025 Tournament.

Let's take a look at how the officials see and respond to these published availability windows.

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103. In the Officials portal, the official clicks Invites & Commitments in the menu.

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104. Instructions and a key to the icons are shown.

The official can filter the list of competitions to display a maximum drive time they are willing to travel to the main site of the competition.

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105. Each availability window we set up and published is displayed for this official along with its details.

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106. To respond, the official clicks the magnifying glass next to any window.

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107. The officials can change or refine their availability up until the Response Due Date.

They select the relevant windows ...

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109. ... and respond accordingly.

For this example, the official has Accepted and committed to the Friday and Sunday morning availability windows.

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110. They click Accept again to confirm this action.

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111. Note the icon has changed for these two windows and their commitment details are shown.

The official can indicate their interest but defer a decision for a window. For this example, this official is not sure if they can attend on Saturday.

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112. They click Pending to acknowledge the window but need more time to decide about committing to it. They can change their decision until the Response Due Date.

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113. The official is not available for the Sunday afternoon window. They select it ...

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114. ... and Decline it

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115. The official can click on the magnifying glass to locate the site on a map.

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116. The address and a link to the Directions are available.

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117. An FAQ and best practices area is also included to help them understand availability windows, responses, and other details.

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118. A simple messaging system is also available so the official can Contact the Assignor.

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119. They simply type in their message and click Send Message. The assignor will receive this message in their inbox of the email address listed in the Directory.

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119b. Click

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120. Let's now see how these responses appear in the assigning portal for the assignor.

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121. Recall the official accepted the Friday and Sunday morning windows, is pending for Saturday, and declined the Sunday afternoon window. As officials respond, these numbers will automatically update.

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122. The Status of responses will also update automatically.

To search for a particular official's response, search for them in the search bar.

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123. The official's responses for each availability window can be seen here.

Change requests made after the Response Due Date are listed under Change Requests.

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124. To organize this report by the different Statuses, let's set a Control Break.

Click Actions

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125. Click Format, then Control Break.

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126. Click Column 1

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127. Click Status

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128. Click Apply

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129. Your report is now organized by Status and you can see the officials within each Status more easily.

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130. The last part of the tutorial shows how these responses appear in the Assigning Workspace.

Click Assigning Workspace.

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131. We've selected this Competition for the Matches side of the page.

On the Officials side of the page, click the gear wheel.

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132. Select the pool used previously, in this case the "Tournament Pool".

Move the Tournament Committed Officials toggle to the right.

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133. Click Apply Settings

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134. Let's also adjust the columns that are displayed on the Officials side of the page. In the Assigning Workspace, we click the columns icon to select our columns.

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135. Let's display Rule Issues ...

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136. ... and other assignments each official has 3 days before and after a match date selected from the Matches side of the page.

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137. Click Apply Settings

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138. Click the cell you want to assign.

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139. Recall we set the toggle Assign only Committed to on in the Friday Availability Window. This setting means only those officials who have committed to this window will show as available here.

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140. If you choose an official who is unavailable, the cell will turn pink due to the rule violation.

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141. Thank you for watching the tutorial on the Tournament Reservation System.

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Here's an interactive tutorial

** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **

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