1. This tutorial shows officials how to find assignors in your area or for a competition and send them a message. It also shows Useful Links added by account administrators.
For this example, we will look at the Michigan Referee Program.

2. From the Home page, click the magnifying glass next to the account name. The number of assignors in the account displays next to it.

3. The top section displays the main administrator of the account and their contact information.
Under the Assignor section, the assignors are listed along with their email address, city, state, and the competitions they assign.

4. Each column is searchable. To find assignors from a specific City, click the City column to expand the dropdown and type in a search term.

5. For this example, we will search for assignors in the Holt area. Click on the city name in the dropdown to select it.

6. To send a message to a specific assignor, click the magnifying glass next to their name.

7. The assignor's phone number is also listed here. Type in a Subject for your message.

8. After typing a message to your assignor, click Send Message.

9. Let's see how to find the assignors involved in a specific Competition.
First, remove any old filters from previous searches by clicking the X next to the filter.

10. Remember you can search within any column for a specific item. For more advanced filters, click Actions and Filter to use different operators and conditions. The "in" operator acts like an "or" operator.

11. To search across all rows, type something in the search bar.

12. For this example, we will search for "Capital Area Soccer League". Click Go or press Enter.

12b. Click

13. The assignors involved in this league are displayed. Select the relevant assignor to send them a message.

14. Administrators are able to put Useful Links in your home page, such as the home page of a state's referee website. Click on the magnifying glass to be redirected to the site they have entered.

15. For this example, the link takes us to the Michigan Referee Program homepage, where you can find additional resources for the state.

16. This website also has an area that lists all Certified Assignors.

17. Each state has different Useful Links and different resources.

18. Visit this area regularly to see new links or connect with an assignor.
Thank you for watching the tutorial on finding assignors and accessing useful links in your Ref Insight account.
Happy officiating!!