1. In this tutorial, we will create a pool of officials within a certain distance from a site.

2. Click Settings

3. Click Pools

4. Click Create to create a new pool

5. Click inside the Pool Name to name your pool.

6. Click inside the Description box to describe your pool.

7. Type in a Description if you wish and Click Create

8. We can also add a pool type, which is helpful for filtering when you have several pools to choose from.

9. Click Edit Pool

10. Click Pool Type

11. Click Region/Area

12. If you want to make this pool visible to other assignors and admins, move the "Public" toggle to the right.

13. If you want to keep this pool private, leave the toggle off (to the left).

14. Click Apply Changes

15. To add people to this pool, Click Add People

16. Expand the Filters banner at the top to access the list of sites within Ref Insight

17. Scroll to the bottom to the "Proximity to Site / Location" and click the down arrow to search for your site of interest

18. Type in some letters of the site in the Search bar. The list will narrow based on what you type in.

19. Our search for "kalamazoo" finds sites with this word in it, and displays the city and state it is in. Since Kalamazoo Soccer Complex matches what we want, we will select it.

20. Click Apply Filter

21. A new column appears on the right: Distance to Site (miles). The Distance is calculated from the Official's primary address (if one is included in their profile) to the Site's address.

22. Click Actions to filter the list of people down how you wish.

23. Click Filter

24. Click Column to change the column we want to filter from

25. In this scenario, we want to filter on Distance to Site (miles). Click this item.

26. The Operator allows us to filter based on various criteria. The "equals" sign only allows us to pick a specific distance from the site. In our scenario, we want all the people within a certain distance from the site.

27. Since we are interested in which officials live 100 miles or less from the Kalamazoo Soccer complex, we will choose the <= operator.

28. Type in the Expression -- in this scenario we want to see everyone 100 miles or less from the Site. Click Apply.

29. You will see the filter we set above the list of people. The Distance to the Site (miles) displays for each person.
You can adjust the distance by clicking inside the filter. If you want to temporarily turn off the filter, uncheck the check box.

30. You can sort the distances shown by clicking on the Distance to Site (miles) column and clicking the up arrow (Sort Ascending) symbol.

31. The people are now sorted by the lowest to the highest distance to the site within the filter of "100 miles or less".

32. Set this area to display all the rows that meet your filter criteria. Displaying all the rows will make it easier when we use the "Select All" toggle to choose everyone listed and save them to our pool.
Click Actions to start this step

33. Click Format, then Rows Per Page, then All

34. Toggle the Select All to the right if you want to select everyone on this page.
If you did not display all the rows on this page, then you need to repeat this step for each page of people in your list.

35. Click Save Selected People
This step will only move your selections to the left side of the page, where you can review your choices and remove anyone you do not wish to include in the final selection for this pool.

36. To remove an individual from your initial selection, click on the garbage can next to that person.

37. When you are satisfied with your list, Click Save Changes

38. The members of your pool are now displayed here.
That's it. You're done.