Completing Match and Incident Reports

Created by Joshua Ort, Modified on Tue, 9 Apr at 5:26 PM by Sandra Serafini

This tutorial shows how to access and complete match and incident reports.  It includes match details, cautions, send offs, Referee Assault/Abuse, and Serious Injury reports.  It also shows how another crew member can add their report to an existing incident report.  See the separate tutorial for incident reports related to Matches Not Completed.

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1. This tutorial demonstrates how to complete and submit a Match Report and Incident Reports in the RefInsight app on your mobile device.

The Match Report becomes available at the start time of the match on the day of the game.

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2. From the home page, expand the menu by clicking on the Main Navigation icon at the top left.

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3. Click Assignments to access the Match Report from here.

You can also access and view Match Reports from the Match Reports menu item.

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4. Assignments for "today" are under the Today tab. Assignments in the past are under the History tab.

The Match Report status is shown for each match.

Click the orange icon next to the match to access the Match Report.

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5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Match Report.

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6. Click Create Match Report.

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7. Confirm this action by clicking Create Match Report in the pop-up window.

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8. A summary is displayed. The Status of the Match Report is now in progress.

Click View Match Report to begin.

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9. The top section of the Match Report is where you will input the score of the game as well as additional information that is useful for your Assignor and Competition Administrators.

Click Edit Match Report.

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10. Items with a red triangle must be filled in.

The first item is Match Status. Click the Match Status dropdown to indicate if the match was completed or if something else occurred.

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11. Click Completed if the match was completed.

For this example, the match was completed.

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12. Other options are Canceled, Suspended, Postponed, Forfeit, and Abandoned. If the match was not completed for any reason, a Match Not Completed Incident Report will also be needed to explain the circumstances.

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13. The second item is Field Conditions.

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14. If the Field Conditions were Good, select it.

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15. If the Field Conditions need attention from the Competition administrators, click Needs Attention.

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16. If you choose "Needs Attention" another dropdown appears to provide more information. Click the Field Condition Details dropdown.

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17. Choose the option that best describes what needs attention.

For this example, the field markings are missing or incorrect. This information is visible to your assignor as well as the Competition administrators.

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18. The next three items surrounding Conduct are optional, but can be helpful to your assignor and Competition administrators.

Team Officials encompass coaches, team managers, and others. Click on Conduct Of Team Officials to choose from three options.

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19. Click the option that best describes their conduct. For this example, the conduct of team officials was Good.

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20. Click Conduct Of Crew

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21. Click the option that best describes the conduct of the officiating crew. For this example, the conduct of the crew was Excellent.

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22. Click Conduct Of Spectators

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23. Click the option that best describes the conduct of the spectators. For this example, the conduct of the spectators was Poor.

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24. The next item is optional. If the Competition asks you to indicate if a dressing room was available, use the toggle.

The default is no.

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25. Move the toggle to the right if a dressing room was available. Again, this item can be skipped unless the Competition requests this information from you.

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26. The next item confirms if the assigned or accepted crew completed the match. This information is visible to your assignor when you submit the report. If the crew completed the match as assigned, select Yes.

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27. If one or more members of the crew did not complete the match as assigned, select No.

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28. If you select No, provide details in the Crew Adjustments / Details text box.

In this example, AR1 and AR2 swapped positions. Other examples include a crew member not arriving, a club linesman was used, or a crew shift occurred due to injury. 

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29. Enter the score for the Home Team by clicking the Score dropdown list. This item must be completed and cannot be left blank.

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30. Click the number of goals for the home team.

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31. If the home team arrived late, click Arrived Late (minutes) and indicate how many minutes late they were.

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32. In this example, the home team was minutes late.

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33. If the Competition you officiate requires you to check player passes, confirm this task was completed by moving the Player Passes Checked toggle to the right for the home team.

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34. Enter the Score for the Away team.

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35. Click the number of goals scored by the away team.

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36. If the team was on time, leave the Arrived Late (minutes) item blank.

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37. If the Competition you officiate requires you to check player passes, confirm this task was completed by moving the Player Passes Checked toggle to the right for the away team.

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38. Click Save when finished.

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39. A green banner will appear to indicate the Match Report details section has been updated.

Click Edit Match Report if you need to make changes to this section. Edits can be made up until the report is Submitted.

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40. If there are no cautions to report and no incident reports to fill out, click the Submit button.

Note you will not be able to make changes after clicking the Submit button.

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41. To list cautions issued during your match, click the plus sign in the Cautions section. This action will add a New Caution.

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42. Click the Team Receiving Caution dropdown to choose the team. The teams will be pre-populated for you from the Match Details.

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43. In this example, the caution was issued to the Hamtramck City Fc (2004) team.

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44. Click the Type dropdown to indicate if the caution was issued to a Player or a Team Official.

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45. In this example, the caution was issued to a Player.

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46. When Player is chosen, a new Player number dropdown will appear.

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47. Type in the Player number.

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48. If you have the name of the player from a roster, type it in the Person Name text box.

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49. Click the Caution Type dropdown list to indicate what the caution was issued for.

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50. Choose the caution type from the dropdown list. In this example, we will choose UB - Unsporting Behavior.

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51. Some caution types have several subtypes. Click the Caution Sub Type dropdown list to indicate which subtype the caution was for.

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52. In this example, the caution for UB - Unsporting Behavior was for a Reckless challenge. Click on the subtype of the caution. The subtypes are listed in alphabetical order.

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53. Now we will indicate the time that the caution was issued.

The Period helps specify if the caution was issued in stoppage time of the first half or in the second half.

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54. For example, in a match with 45 minute halves, a caution was issued at minute 47.

Period 1 means the caution was issued during stoppage time of the first half. Period 2 means the caution was issued in the second half.

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55. Type in the Period and then click Minute.

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55b. Click

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56. Type in the Minute and Click Save Caution when finished.

Remember that the minute is rounded up. For example, a caution issued at 34:35 is entered as minute 35.

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56b. Click

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57. The caution is now listed. To edit this entry, click the Edit icon.

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58. Let's look at an example of entering a caution issued to a Team Official.

Click New Caution.

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59. Click Team Receiving Caution

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60. In this example, the caution was issued to the Pride BHS team.

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61. Click Type

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62. Click Team Official

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63. A new dropdown called Team Official Role will appear. Click the dropdown list.

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64. Click the role of the team official who received the caution. In this example, the caution was issued to the assistant coach.

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65. If you know the name of the person, use the Person Name text box to type it in. The item may be left blank if you do not know, or can not safely obtain, the person's name.

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66. Type in the Person Name if you know it.

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67. Click Caution Type

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68. Choose the caution type for the team official from the dropdown. In this example, the caution was issued for Dissent by word/action.

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69. There is no Caution Sub Type in this case, so this item can be left blank.

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70. Enter the Period

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71. Enter the Minute and click Save Caution when finished.

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71b. Click

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72. If you have no send offs and no incident reports, submit your report when you have finished entering all the cautions issued.

If you have any Send Offs, click the plus sign to add a send-off.

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73. Click New Send Off

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74. The information entered on this page will list the send-off in the match report in addition to building the incident report.

Start by selecting the Team that received the Send Off.

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75. In this example, it is the Hamtramck City Fc (2004).

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76. Click Person Type

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77. In this example, it is a Player.

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78. Type in the Person's Name if you have it from the roster.

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79. Type in the Player Number

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80. Enter the Player Pass ID Number if you have one. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

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81. Choose the Send Off Type from the dropdown list.

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82. In this example, the send-off was for SFP - Serious Foul Play.

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83. Indicate who the Offense was Committed Against.

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84. Some send-off types, such as Violent Conduct, could be committed against a variety of people.

For Serious Foul Play, it is committed against a player, so we will choose that option.

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85. Click When did Incident Occur

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86. For some Send-off types, the incident could occur before, during, or after the match.

For Serious Foul Play, it occurs during the match, so we will choose that option.

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87. Type in the Period

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88. Type in Minute

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89. Click Where did this Incident Occur

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90. Indicate if the incident occurred on or off the field.

In this example, the Serious Foul Play incident occurred on field.

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91. Click Where did it occur - details

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92. Type in a short description of where it occurred on the field.

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93. Enter a short description to indicate the Action Taken by the Referee.

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94. Indicate if the Match Status was Impacted by this send-off. The default is no.

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95. However, if the match was suspended or abandoned after this send-off, choose the option that applies and fill in a Match Not Completed incident report.

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96. Indicate if Referee Abuse or Assault occurred as a result of this send-off. The default is no.

Referee Abuse or Assault is a serious form of misconduct. If it occurred, a separate Referee Abuse/Assault incident report also needs to be completed.

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97. Referee Abuse is a verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact, which implies or threatens physical harm to a referee or the referee's property or equipment.

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98. Referee Assault is an intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee.

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99. A notification is only sent to your assignor and state administrators when you complete the Ref Assault/Abuse form and submit the Match Report.

You should also contact your assignor when it is safe for you to do so to inform them of the incident.

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100. If the Match was restarted after the send-off, move the toggle to the right.

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101. Type in a short description of how the match restarted in the Restart Details text box.

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102. If further incidents occurred as part of the send-off, move the toggle to the right and enter a short description in the text box. Examples may be players not leaving the field in a timely manner, or committing other offenses as they left the field.

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103. If any Offensive Language was used as part of this send-off, move the Offensive Language Warning toggle to the right and provide a direct quote in the Description box.

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104. Include the exact words of any Offensive Language used in your description of the send-off incident.

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105. If the Referee did not see the Send-off offense and relied on another member of the crew for information, indicate a Report is needed from other Officials by moving the toggle to the right.

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106. By moving the toggle to the right, the other members of the crew will have the ability to add their description to this incident report from their own account.

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107. Enter a short Description of the Send-off offense, using terminology and considerations from the Laws of the Game. Include other details here, such as information about who the offense was committed against.

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108. An example of a short description for a Serious Foul Play offense is shown here.

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109. Click Save Send Off when finished.

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110. The Send Off is now listed and the Incident Report is completed.

Click on the plus sign icon to add another Send Off for a Player or Team Official.

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111. Let's look at adding a Send Off for a team official where Referee Abuse occurred and a report is needed from another member of the crew.

Click the plus sign to add a new Send Off.

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112. Choose the Team that received the Send Off.

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113. For this example we will choose Hamtramck City Fc (2004).

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114. Click Person Type

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115. Click Team Official

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116. Click Person Name

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117. Type in the Person Name and Click Team Official Role.

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117b. Click

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118. For this example, we will choose team manager.

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119. Click Send Off Type

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120. For this example, we will choose Entering the field to confront a match official.

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121. Click Offense Committed Against

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122. Choose who the offense was committed against. In this example, it is an official.

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123. Click When did Incident Occur

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124. For this example, the offense was committed during the match.

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125. Enter the Period

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126. Enter the Minute

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127. Click Where did this Incident Occur

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128. For this example, the offense occurred on the field.

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129. Type a short description of where the offense occurred.

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130. Type a short description of the Action Taken by Referee

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131. In this example, Referee Abuse occurred during this send off.

Referee Abuse or Assault is a serious form of misconduct. If it occurred, a separate Referee Abuse/Assault incident report also needs to be completed.

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132. Referee Abuse is a verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact, which implies or threatens physical harm to a referee or the referee's property or equipment.

For this example, we will choose referee abuse. 

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133. If the Match was restarted following this send off, move the toggle to the right.

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134. Type a short description of how the match was Restarted

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135. If further incidents occurred following this send off, move the toggle to the right.

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136. Type a short description of the Further Incident related to this send off.

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137. In this example, AR1 called the field marshal to escort the team manager away from the field, so a report will be needed from this official. To enable another official to add a report, move the Needs Report from other Officials toggle to the right.

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138. Type in a Description of the incident, including a reference to any other reports being submitted in relation to this incident.

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139. Click Save Send Off when finished.

The Crew Member Incident Reports area will display the report of the other crew member when they complete it.

The Referee can not submit the Match Report until all crew member reports are completed. 

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140. The Send Off now shows in the list. If a crew report is needed, it will display yes and the number of crew reports found is also listed. There needs to be at least one crew report found in order for the referee to submit the report.

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141. We will now demonstrate how another crew member can add in their report. The referee informs AR1 a report is needed.
AR1 can access the report either from the Assignments tab or the Match Reports tab of the menu within their account.

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142. We are now acting as AR1 in their RefInsight account.

Click on Match Reports to see the list of match reports available.

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143. Click the magnifying glass next to the report that needs your input as AR1.

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144. Click on View Match Report.

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145. Find the incident that requires the crew report and click on the magnifying glass.

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146. Describe the additional details needed for this incident by typing it into the Additional details regarding this Send Off text box.

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147. Be factual in your description of what you witnessed and any actions you took.

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148. Click Save Crew Member Report when finished.

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148b. Click

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149. Click Cancel from the Send Off report to return to the main match report area.

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150. The counter under Crew Member Reports Found is now updated.

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151. We are now acting again as the Referee to continue.

A Send Off report indicated Referee Abuse occurred, so this report needs to be completed. Your assignor and state administrators will be notified when the match report is submitted.

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152. Click the plus sign to add a Referee Assault/Abuse incident report.

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153. Click Incident Report Type

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154. In this example, we will choose Referee Abuse.

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155. In some cases, a team may not be involved in Referee Abuse or Assault. In this example, a team manager committed the abuse. Choose the team involved in this incident from the dropdown list.

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156. In this example, the team is Hamtramck City Fc (2004).

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157. Select Which member of the Crew was impacted by this Referee Abuse. The names of the crew members are pre-populated.

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158. Click the name of the crew member who was impacted.

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159. Click Offense Committed by

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160. In this example, the offense was committed by a team official.

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161. If Team Official is selected, a new dropdown list appears to indicate the Team Official Role.

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162. In this example, it was the team manager.

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163. Type in the Person Name who committed the abuse/assault if you have it or can safely obtain it.

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164. Click When did Incident Occur

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165. In this example, it occurred during the match.

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166. Enter the Period the abuse occurred.

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167. Enter the Minute.

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168. Click Where did this Incident Occur

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169. In this example, the abuse occurred on the field.

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170. Type in the Action Taken by Referee

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171. In this example, the match status was not impacted. If the match was restarted after this incident, move the toggle to the right.

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172. Type in a short description of how the match was restarted in the Restart Details text box.

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173. If there were any further incidents after the abuse occurred, move this toggle to the right.

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174. Type in a short description of what occurred in the Further Incidents text box.

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175. If none of these items apply, leave the toggle off. Move the toggle to the right for any items that apply.

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176. If a send off incident occurred surrounding the referee abuse, use the Refer To Send Off Incident dropdown.

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177. All send offs previously entered will be listed in the dropdown, including the time, the reason, and the team. For this example, the send off issued in the 59th min to the team manager is referenced.

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178. Enter a Description of the referee abuse. Be factual and use direct quotes of what was said.

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179. Click Create Incident Report when finished.

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180. The Referee Abuse report is now listed on the main page.

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181. If there are no other incident reports to complete, click Submit.

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182. Confirm you want to submit the form by clicking Submit again. Any crew member reports needed must be completed before the referee can submit the match report.

You can not make changes to the match or incident reports after submitting.

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183. If a Serious Injury also occurred in this match, an incident report needs to be completed.

Instead of submitting the match report now, we will click Cancel to add a Serious Injury report.

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184. Click New Serious Injury

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185. Click Team with Serious Injury

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186. Choose the team from the dropdown list. In this example, we will choose Pride BHS.

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187. Click Person Type

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188. In this example, the Serious Injury was sustained by a Player.

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189. Type in the Player Number.

Type in a Player Pass ID number if you have it.

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190. Type in the Person's Name.

Click Serious Injury Type.

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190b. Click

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191. You can choose between head injury and other injury. For this example, we will choose head injury.

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192. Enter the Period and click Minute.

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192b. Click

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193. Type in the Minute.

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194. Click Where did the injury occur

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195. In this example, the injury occurred on the field.

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196. Type in a short description in the Details for where the injury occurred text box.

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197. Type in a short description in the Action Taken By Referee text box.

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198. If the match was restarted after the injury, move the toggle to the right.

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199. Type in a short description of how the match was restarted in the Match Restart Details text box.

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200. If an ambulance was called, move this toggle to the right.

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201. Enter a description of the serious injury.

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202. Click Save Serious Injury when finished.

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203. The Serious Injury incident report is now listed.

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204. See the separate tutorial in the Knowledge Base on filling in a Match Not Completed incident report.

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205. We have now completed the Match Report details, listed the Cautions, Send Offs, and all incident reports. All reports from other crew members have also been added. We are now ready to Submit the Match Report.

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206. Click Submit

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207. Confirm you want to Submit the Match Report. Once submitted, you can not make changes.

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208. Confirm the Entire Crew Reviewed the Report by moving the toggle to the right.

You are also affirming that all the information within is accurate.

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209. Click Submit Match Report

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210. Confirm one last time you want to Submit the Match Report.

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211. Your Match Report Status is updated to submitted.

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212. Find your in progress and completed Match Reports in the Match Reports tab.

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213. The Match Reports list is ordered by the most recent matches at the top. The status of the report is also listed.

Thank you for watching the tutorial on Completing Match and Incident Reports.

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